Saturday, April 2, 2016

March Films

I forgot to post March Films so I'm doing it now. Playing "catch-up" today. 
This is a great 4 pack for 3 films. I did not like the remake of 'Body Snatches'. Watch  'Invasion of the Body Snatches" 1956 and the 1978 version for good films.  Now the film 'Coma' is excellent and so are the 2 werewolf films Bad Moon and Wolfen. $8 - about $2.67 per film for the 3 good films (which is how I count this collection) or $2 per film if you count the horrible 
1993 'Body Snatchers' film.

$5 to get the awesome 'Interview with the Vampire'.  What a good Vampire flick. 

2 good Werewolf films. BUT my copy of the DVD, the first or original film does not play - 2 DVD player and it doesn't work on either of them. This should have been $5 per film but because the first film did not play for me it's $10 for the Howling II for me. And I still have to get a copy of the original film now. Both films are good - I was looking forward to watching both films again. I didn't send this one back because I don't have a printer to print out the return label that Amazon requires - oh well. LOL - I've ordered the original film.
 A gift and that's all I can say. The two films are great!

Now here are 2 excellent Vincent Price films. The Haunted Palace also stars Lon Chaney Jr. - 2 fantastic stars in 1 super good and creepy film. Less than $10 for both. 

Speaking of Lon Chaney Jr.

$4 for this odd-ball but fun film. We get Chaney playing 2 roles in this crazy fun film.

$6 for this romantic comedy. I fell in-love with the film. It's cute!

Vol 3, 4 and 5. I am now missing Vol 6 (but ordered it). I got Vol 1 & 2 but needed the others to have the complete series minus "The Contest" and I will have"The Promised Valley" twice because my they added the wrong film in my Vol 1 & 2 collection. LOL - Oh well close enough. 

It feels good to catch-up my blog lol. :D

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