Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Lon Chaney Jr - Inner Sanctum & Spider Baby

This is an out of stock item that may never be again - a limited series I'm guessing but I'm not real sure.  $35 but the price may  jump much higher for this Franchise Collection. This has all 6 of the Inner Sanctum Mysteries starring none other than my beloved Lon Chaney Jr.

Calling Dr. Death (1943)
Weird Woman (1944)
Dead Man's Eyes (1944)
The Frozen Ghost (1945)
Strange Confession (1945)
Pillow of Death (1945)

$9 for this cult classic film that is made on demand/request. It stars Lon Chaney Jr. Most copies I have found of this film is around $20 to $60. Spider Baby aka The Maddest Story Ever Told is a comedy-horror but I consider it just one great horror film.

This one I got for $4.50 (with shipping). I had Vincent Price's Shock already but I was wanting Lon Chaney Jr's Devil Messenger - so I got this for about $1.50 less for the 2 films. Not too bad for 2 rarely seen movies - especially Devil's Messenger.

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