Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943)

  I hope I corrected this area to everyone's approval.... It's not perfect but I felt the photo deserved a correction.

This photo was a long but interesting process. The first thing I had to do was to correct the blurry part of the picture -- it was 4 to 5 hours worth of layering colors and textures then to add the shadows and blend together. After that I had to remove "blemishes" out of the picture then I was able to do the fun part: colorize the photo! I think this was a worthwhile project - I had a lot of fun with this one.

Here's the what I had to do:

 Here's the ORIGINAL photo with a very blurry area -- really looks bad colorized so something had to be done to correct this. This is a cropped version to show you a close up of how bad the area looked in the still.

I'm not a great artist but I did my best to create a much better looking area instead of that blurry mess as you can see from above. Here's what I came up with to correct this problem:

Here's the full corrected B&W photo.

The Original Full Photo - Uncleaned, blurry in places. Notice the differences between the two photos.

 WOW that was a tough challenge for me but I feel worth it in the end. Next colorization!!

The Process..

This is just one photo in the colorization process for me. I normally do the skin colors first but this time I started with Chaney's outfit. If the photo is dark, I will colorize with "loud" or bright colors to begin with so I can see the outlines and in the darkest areas. -- I  have colorized Frankenstein's Monster but not Chaney's skin, hair eyes, nails etc...

 Last I pick out and correct all colors in the photo... that's the fun part - what color to "dress" them in. LOL.
Once again, I could not make up my mind on a final product so I have 2 finished versions of the colorized photo: The natural colors and the "fantasy colors".

The Natural Colors Version:

 The Fantasy Colors Version:

I loved doing this project - I knew it was going to be a major one but I completed it! :D

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